Sarah Haunts
Aspiring author of Autistic Ghost Stories and Other Chilling Situations, disability blogger, and avid horror fan
Hello! You've stumbled into my safe little corner on the internet. Happy to have you here.
This blog serves as both a place for readers (you) and the writer (me) to critically analyze the fascinating, almost can't-seem-to-get-away-from-each-other relationship between disability topics and horror.
I am both autistic and a horror fan. And I think that the nuances between the two have such a complicated, yet riveting history that deserves both a warm, cherished hug for when authors, actors, directors, writers, etc. choose to poetically speak about the horrors of living in an ableist society, while at the same time the ability to critique and question stories that choose to villianize, demonize, infantize, monsterize, and even weaponize our disabled identities instead letting us be full-fledged characters. Deep and thoughtful villains. Persistent "final-people." Or just plain there, not being used as inspirational, you-can-be-cured-if-you-just-believe, bait for non-disabled audiences.
Just like how I believe in good storytelling, I believe that authentic, well-thought-out metaphors and humanizing portrayals in horror exist! Apologies in advance for the Carriefication that may occur during my rants. Read on, please!